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In Switzerland, gamers will be attracted to the development of energy-saving systems

Swiss specialists are planning to implement a project to attract gamers to the development of energy-saving systems. They should help find solutions that professionals have not thought of. To this end, a computer game is being developed to study consumer behavior in relation to energy systems.

The Swiss energy research institute Paul Scherrer believes that behavioral research using games is more reliable than direct interviews. People exhibit more honest behavior when answers to various situations are given in a game than they would be in writing.

With Italian colleagues, scientists are working on the SURE project (Sustainable Energy for Switzerland for Energy Supply and Security). The study looks at the energy future in 2050, especially the sustainability of the energy system, which involves power plants, wind farms, private solar system operators and more. At the same time, the players must help create a stable energy network, for example, with the help of water, wind, solar and nuclear energy.

The goal for gamers is to create the most reliable system possible, even if sporadic disasters occur. And researchers need to collect data on how players help create the system and how they will behave in extreme situations. So far, the game exists only as a concept. The prototype is expected to appear in 2023, reports

In Switzerland, gamers will be attracted to the development of energy-saving systems