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Cooperation between the region and Russia was discussed in Grodno

The Grodno region has great potential to expand cooperation with Russia in the areas of tourism, mutual trade, investment and modernization of production. Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee Vladimir Karanik announced this after a meeting with the Consul General of Russia in Brest Oleg Murashev, BelTA informs.

"More than 50% of the region's exports are delivered to Russia. Many of our enterprises are included in cooperative chains with large Russian producers. Food products are actively exported," said Vladimir Karanik. He stressed that Belarusian-Russian projects to create new industries and new jobs are being actively implemented in the Grodno region. About half of the investments in the region's economy are with Russian capital.

Another topic for discussion was the preparations forum of the Regions of Belarussia, which will be held in the Grodno region in 2022. It is important to fill the forum events with specific tasks that will further intensify business cooperation between countries. The meeting also discussed joint actions within the framework of the defense of the Union State, which is relevant given the global instability.

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Cooperation between the region and Russia was discussed in Grodno