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Russia - Sobyanin: Moscow public utilities coped with the challenges of winter

Russia (, - The winter in the capital turned out to be the snowiest in the last four years. Snowdrifts have already grown to a height of more than one and a half meters, and are still growing, and, according to forecasts of meteorologists, they will begin to melt no earlier than mid-March. Nevertheless, the roads in the city are clean, transport moves without interruption. There are even fewer traffic jams, the Dutch company Tom-Tom notes in the international ranking, having moved the Russian capital from the first to the second place in terms of traffic congestion. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin believes that the public utilities of the capital adequately withstood the trials that fell to their lot in such a difficult period. He stated this when he visited the production complex "Ochakovo" of the State Budgetary Institution "Automobile Roads".

“This winter was one of the most difficult in recent years, and 2021 turned out to be the coldest year in the last 15 years,” the head of the city said. “And all this was superimposed on the pandemic, the peak incidence of which was a record for all time. has not yet ended, but it can already be said that the housing and communal complex has coped with the removal of snow, ice and frost in the city, and of course, with reliable energy supply."

State Budgetary Institution "Automobilnye Dorogi" is the capital's largest utility company, and in April it will turn 90 years old. But even ten years ago, having come to the post of mayor of Moscow, Sobyanin found him a small trust with an outdated fleet of vehicles and only 500 employees. Now this powerful company employs 32,000 specialists. Not migrants, as is commonly believed, but 40 percent of full-time workers are Muscovites, the remaining 60 percent are residents of Russian regions, such as Bryansk, Smolensk, Kaluga, Tambov, Yaroslavl and other regions close to the capital. They have at their disposal 7.2 thousand modern road-cleaning machines, 90 percent of which are domestically produced.

Only real professionals can manage such equipment, and therefore the company closely cooperates with 25 colleges and 16 universities of the country. Many students of these educational institutions first come to the capital for practice, and eventually become personnel workers. On the most snowy days, up to 100,000 public utilities go out to clean city roads in Moscow and clean roofs from icicles and ice.

The Motor Roads company is responsible for the condition of 40 percent of all Moscow roads, including the most important ones, such as Tverskaya Street, Garden Ring, Third Transport Ring and Moscow Ring Road, Leningradsky Prospekt Mira, as well as many other highways. Moreover, not only for their timely cleaning, but also for repairs and even for the care of all green spaces.

Not a single emergency shutdown was allowed and resource supply services. As Petr Biryukov, deputy mayor for housing and communal services and improvement, reported to the mayor, over 1.4 thousand emergency recovery teams equipped with all necessary equipment and emergency power supplies are always ready to eliminate possible damage to thermal, electrical, gas and other engineering networks.

Russia - Sobyanin: Moscow public utilities coped with the challenges of winter