Bbabo NET


Mufti spokesperson: time to register mosques

Having legalized the land plot, having received a document on the ownership of the Muslim organization to the mosque in the village of Yuldus in the Kurgan region, the head of the LRO Akhmadulla Khabibullin, who is also the plenipotentiary representative of the chief mufti of the DUMACHR in the region, began the process of registering the historical mosque in the neighboring village of Sibirki as the property of the local community. Next in line is the design of other Islamic religious buildings.

- Today it is no longer possible to delay the registration of mosques and land plots, - Akhmadulla Khabibullin shared his opinion with news agency. - The nineties and zero years, when it was possible to easily build a mosque without obtaining a building permit, have passed, and it is no longer possible to treat legal issues carelessly. Many mosques are not decorated in any way, or are registered with private individuals or municipalities. At any time, questions may arise regarding the legality of their operation. Today, every mosque must have a “safety passport”, and there is no way to get it if the building is not properly registered.

According to A. Khabibullin, the easiest way is to hire a lawyer. This will not require large expenses and will take less time than the issue of legal registration will be dealt with by the chairmen and imams themselves. The Muslim organization in the village of Yuldus went through three court hearings before obtaining ownership of the cult object. The courts should not frighten anyone, often they are the only way to design the building of mosques and land plots, the plenipotentiary of the Mufti in the Kurgan region believes.

Mufti spokesperson: time to register mosques