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In Tatarstan, knackers shot and crushed dogs from the farm with snowmobiles, mistaking them for homeless people

In the Laishevsky district of Tatarstan, unknown people massacred dogs, writes

The knackers on snowmobiles reportedly crushed the animals and shot them at point-blank range with shotgun shells. Only a few dogs from the pack survived. The attackers ran over the paw of one of the dogs with a snowmobile - the animal was taken to a veterinary clinic.

It turned out that the dogs lived on a local farm, where they were sheltered by the owners. They said that all animals are vaccinated, sterilized and do not pose a threat to people.

Law enforcement agencies became interested in the incident. The identities of the flayers are being ascertained, and a check is being carried out.

Earlier it was reported that stray dogs attacked a 9-year-old child in Saratov.

In Tatarstan, knackers shot and crushed dogs from the farm with snowmobiles, mistaking them for homeless people