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Russia - Tobolsk eighth-graders were offered to solve the problem about the corpse

Russia (, - The fact that the initiative of the initiative is different and can be ambiguously perceived by the society was once again proved in the city of Tobolsk.

The biology teacher of school No. 5 decided to attract the attention of eighth graders with an unusual task, moreover, from the category of forensic science. To consolidate the topic of thermoregulation of the body, the teacher, along with listing the methods of hardening, asked the children to give an answer to the following problem. "At 20.00, the corpse of a murdered man was discovered. How long should a suspect have an alibi if it is known that the body gives off heat at 1.5 degrees per hour?"

The message from the biologist, which most likely came to the class remotely, was copied and posted on the social network by the father of one of the students with a reasonable question "what does this mean?". And then the commentators were divided into ... three camps. Someone misunderstood the teacher. Someone praised: they say, at the age of 15, not knowing what a corpse is is nonsense, they found something to scare modern teenagers. And some people just laughed at the first and second.

Local media, citing the leadership of the educational institution, wrote that this task was of a career guidance nature, and the children treated it as a normal task.

School director Svetlana Terentyeva commented on this situation.

- All my previous comments are not true. This is at the level of fantasy. And I won't comment on it. We're figuring it out, she said.

Let's wait for the end of the proceedings. It is really interesting whether the eighth graders eventually solved the bioforensic problem. And how often teachers resort to non-standard methods to attract the attention of their wards.

Russia - Tobolsk eighth-graders were offered to solve the problem about the corpse