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A Muslim survivor of the terrorist attacks completed a charity marathon as an alien

The aftermath of 9 gunshot wounds did not prevent New Zealand Muslim Temel Atakochug from fulfilling his plan to complete a two-week walking marathon "for world peace" on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Christchurch mosque attacks, informs citing Bay news.

Recall that on March 15, 2019, Temel Atakochugu was praying at the An-Nur mosque in the city of Christchurch, when the terrorist Brenton Tarrant broke into it. Temel received 9 bullet wounds from the shooter, but survived.

Atakochugu decided to repeat Tarrant's route - on the day of the attacks, he traveled 360 km from Dunedin to arrange his attacks. Miraculously, a Muslim survivor walked this path and at the same time raised money for charity.

On the way, the man, who had been treated for a long time after his injuries, became ill, and he spent a couple of days in the hospital, but then continued his marathon and reached the goal on March 15.

“I gave a speech, it was very emotional. But I was happy. I felt better,” said Temel, who spoke at the An-Nur mosque on the anniversary of the attacks.

A Muslim survivor of the terrorist attacks completed a charity marathon as an alien