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Moldova - Sandu: April 7 crimes await trial, and it will be

Moldova (, - President Maia Sandu delivered a message on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the protests on April 7, 2009. "April 7 will never be an ordinary day in Moldova. In 2009, thousands of people took to the streets demanding freedom and democracy and they changed the course of our history.

April 7, 2009 made us citizens. More involved, more daring, more active. Although the following years put us to the test, we managed to defend our freedom and did not allow Moldova to degenerate into a dictatorship.

With determination and courage, we managed to reclaim our country. We are now building a fair and efficient state in Moldova, which respects and protects its citizens, does not lie to them and does not rob them.

We began to rule in state institutions. We started reforming the judiciary and the prosecutor's office. This will help us cleanse the state of corrupt officials and criminals.

We have a long way to go, and even if the numerous crises of recent years — the pandemic, rising prices, the war in Ukraine — make our way harder, we are moving forward. We work every day to turn Moldova into a country for people.

The crimes of April 7, 2009, hushed up for many years, are awaiting trial, testing people's patience. That time will come," the head of state wrote.

Moldova - Sandu: April 7 crimes await trial, and it will be