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Belarus and Poland did not allow UN representatives into the border zone

Belarus and Poland are denying the UN access to the border area to familiarize themselves with the situation of migrants who have found themselves there, said spokeswoman for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Liz Trossell.

She said that a UN group of experts was able to travel to Poland, but her staff were denied access to refugees in the border zone. At the same time, Belarus refused to let them into its territory at all.

Liz Throssell insists that both countries "urgently resolve this dire situation" in accordance with their obligations under international human rights and refugee law.

She said about the "catastrophic" situation of refugees on both sides of the border. This statement Throssell made, referring to conversations with several dozen migrants who arrived in the border region from August to November. According to their stories, they do not have enough food, clean water, they often lack a roof over their heads even in cold weather.

According to the migrants, on the Belarusian territory they were subjected to "beatings and threats from the security forces." They also reported that money had been extorted from them for food and water.

Earlier it was reported that a new flow of migrants from Belarus is expected in Lithuania.

Belarus and Poland did not allow UN representatives into the border zone