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American military who called Biden called his act a joke

American military man Jared Schmeck called his address to US President Joe Biden with a phrase associated with harsh criticism of the head of state as a joke.

“I have nothing against Biden, but I'm upset because I think he could do his job better,” The Oregonian quotes Schmek.

The military man admitted that he did not expect that his conversation with the president would attract so much attention, and also said that he was now receiving threatening calls.

The situation occurred during the annual meeting of the President of the United States and his wife with the military of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and their children.

One of the fathers named Jared ended his family's conversation with the Biden with the words "Let's go, Brandon", which in the US has recently denoted the veiled phrase "Fuck Joe Biden." ).

After the phrase uttered by the interlocutor, the President of the United States replied that he agreed with this phrase, and then asked where the military man lived, but he did not answer.

American military who called Biden called his act a joke