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Survey: 3/4 of UK office workers are willing to quit or change jobs

Three quarters of office workers in Britain are considering firing or changing jobs due to "burnout, lack of work-life balance, toxic environment and irregular working hours."

A nationwide Censuswide poll found that 57 percent of all workforce, including employees who work in WFH (telecommuting) mode and in offices, admitted to suffering from a decline in morale. According to the survey, nearly a fifth of employees believe their work environment is "toxic," and about 18 percent said their superiors do not care about their mental well-being, the Daily Mail said.

Experts from Life Juno, which commissioned the study, concluded that "the pandemic has certainly worsened the plight of office workers." The companies previously said the coronavirus crisis sparked a revolution in the world of work, "more than radical reforms or legal regulation could do." About 40 percent of white-collar workers surveyed said their firms were forced to operate with limited capacity due to a lack of staff. 15 percent of those surveyed reported a sharp drop in sales at their companies, which are struggling to meet consumer demand. The survey also found that more than 30 percent of white-collar workers aim to fill higher-paying vacancies, and another 13 percent expect further staff cuts. About 64 percent believe their bosses are doing everything they can to address talent shortages, but 36 percent see management complacency as an issue that will worsen employee morale in the coming months.

Survey: 3/4 of UK office workers are willing to quit or change jobs