Bbabo NET


No life of your own - spoil someone else's!

Imagine that there are several hundred people in the world right now who hate you. A couple of dozen of them managed to inform you about it in the morning. Literally: you woke up in the morning, made coffee, went to the Internet, and they were not too lazy to get up earlier and already informed how they hate you. What a nasty face you have. How short-sighted you have not yet written your obituary. What a terrible husband you have. How you shamelessly walked up the child. What scum you are, ugly, stupid. If you are a journalist, they will write to you that you are a well-known litter. If a writer - that you are mediocrity. If you bake pies to order, they will say that you are making slop. If you are a model, they will write that you have legs with a wheel and a whistle for half a muzzle.

This is not hell. Not a bad dream. And this is not persecution - a word that has long been devalued, and not by the hypocritical hypocritical figures in the news about corruption, like Judge Khakhaleva, who used to like to shout that she was persecuted. This word lost its meaning even more than 100 years ago: when the only one in Petrograd wrote that Lenin had come to Russia with permission and under the protection of the Germans, Krupskaya screamed everywhere that Ilyich had been “hunted down”, although the public rightly asked what the hell ... So that the word "bullying" has nothing to do with the love of a mass person to stray into anonymous flocks and spew hatred on condition of impunity.

This is our not so long ago new and now ubiquitous reality in which anonymity reigns. The "revolt of the masses" is long gone, we live in an era of their triumph. And anonymity gave it to the masses. Different countries approached the boiling point differently.

But almost two years of sitting at home, a general drop in living standards, widespread frustrations were superimposed on a new increase in Internet coverage and the arrival of the most backward, vulnerable and illiterate on social networks. Which, except in the network, have nowhere to splash out dissatisfaction with their lives and the desire to somehow influence someone else's. And this is the end, they got it.

The outburst of bestial, some kind of not only not conveyed in words, but also unimaginable hatred on the Internet, I would call the phenomenon of the year. Yes, we remember all these anonymous dirty tricks from the days of the Internet via dial up and city forums. But then it was not even close to what we now, for example, see on Zen, where all the mass wanting anonymity flowed away. In the 1990s and 2000s, urban or thematic online communities were small, it was not possible to maintain anonymity in them for a long time - they were calculating you, so it was really dangerous to be rude and lie without brakes.

Then the time came for social networks. Nothing has fostered a culture of communication on the Internet like the complication of the registration procedure for a fictitious account. It turned out that if a person has his real name and surname, as well as the city of residence, he instantly becomes a polite European. And if you also have a native photo in your profile ... And vice versa: when you come across an account with abracadabra instead of a name and a picture of a cat, you immediately know that you don't have to wait for a good one. Fortunately, most are too lazy to keep fake accounts, fill them, imitate a new personality. And Facebook and Instagram know how to block duplicate pages.

But in Telegram and Zen, there is a lot of freedom. As soon as a person receives at least a hint of anonymity, he is very likely to immediately lose face. If he was fired, he will come to the channel to some TV presenter and say that he has a disgusting mug. Has your wife cheated? He will appear in a commentary on an innocent beauty blogger and write to her furiously: "Who are you making up for, slut, tattered skin, I will have you all so that you die, only you need money, you push your legs apart, and you don't want to answer." This is an almost legitimate surrogate for psychotherapy. A man comes and yells how much he hates you. And it seems to be easier for him. Especially if there are a lot of them there.

In addition, the illusion of their own significance, their audience. Anyone with at least a couple thousand followers has come across sticky. Such network burbots, which, like a bayonet, are the first in any of your conversation. They bathe in your audience, enjoy being recognized. Little by little, they get used to performing on someone else's stage and demand more and more attention. Then they begin to believe that you, some kind of public and interesting person, exist and write to entertain them. They do not read because you have something to say, but on the contrary - you speak as long as they listen.

Once Matvey Ganapolsky, in his book "Sweet and Sour Journalism", described a funny episode: a group of unintelligible citizens came to him at Echo, who introduced themselves as members of the Ganapolsky lovers club and said that the club was dissatisfied with his latest broadcasts and that if Ganapolsky did not improve, the club will take action - apparently, it will stop turning on the radio.It was funny in the 2000s. And now, when hundreds of such people write to you every day, this is already a disaster. And they still have another problem: from year to year, watching you, memorizing your texts, broadcasts, conversations, public disputes, they begin to feel like a part of your life, your company, a friend who has studied you as flaky. And they behave accordingly.

I have several such readers. Who are simply shaking with pleasure when they, at different venues, tell others whose wife I was 10 years ago, which year I flew where, what I argued with this or that writer. They are the first to get up and speak on my behalf. If they don't like something in my lyrics, they remind me of my past life. And they get very angry if those whom they have been looking at from the outside for years do not take them into their company.

But it became absolutely scary when they learned, as they say, to bend the system. Did you know that many popular Instagrammers have to keep special employees to communicate with such adherents who constantly demand that a star or a beauty answer them personally, otherwise they ... will spam her account with complaints and she will lose tens and tens of millions of income? I know about a case when a man of some Instagram escort wrote that he had several “live” accounts and if she didn’t sleep with him for free, he would “fill up” her page. And one reader himself began to threaten me that he would require the guardianship authorities to check how I care for the child, if I did not politely answer him to all his utter nonsense of a lonely, useless person. That's what he wrote: let, they say, your nerves will be pulled, you will know how not to answer Valery Pervukhin, or who he signs there. Can you imagine?

And how many times they scared me with murder! Sitting aunt, for example, an elevator operator in a village near Voronezh. She has four friends and a night shift, she thinks: let me write to the journalist that he will be killed. Or they also like to threaten with courts. “Die, you creature, you’ll go broke on lawyers, we have already filed four applications against you.” They are also often convinced that the prosecutor's office accepts applications for bloggers, and write that they have already "opened a case" and "are conducting an investigation." Why is this specific elevator lady? She wants to feel the power! That, sitting in his elevator room, can take and easily unbalance someone famous. Just to sit back and know that she's not nobody, that she has any meaning. This is the psychology of telephone terrorists: call and watch with pleasure as an entire shopping center is evacuated. And if there are a few more of them getting lost? And everyone has a sea of ​​time and no life of their own? And if their idol loves to collect and set these packs? As one of our famous noble writer or saint philanthropist? They point a finger at someone and watch with pleasure as thousands of lonely unfortunate people trample on one with pleasure, because it is safe and not condemned.

Now imagine it lasts for years. And I have only a few tens of thousands of subscribers. And how do they get hold of those who have hundreds of thousands and millions?

There is no defense against the frustration of others. There is absolutely no escape from the gossipers who unite in secret chats. They have nothing to do, they have nothing interesting in life, except how to climb on top of another's head and shout from her to the city and the world.

You know, at one time on Zen they constantly wrote to me from the accounts "Murdered Mironov", "Death of Mironova", "Let's kill Mironova". Every day. For weeks. Then I turned to the Investigative Committee. Well, because I conducted a number of inconvenient investigations and acted as a witness in a criminal case on the murder of a child, gave evidence to the same Investigative Committee. Do you think the SK was the case? Yes, no! But when I said that I had written there, they began to write to me carefully under nicknames, like "Mironova's hairy ass" and even worse. Once my six-year-old child looked into my office and saw this comment on the screen. Three months have passed, and she still asks why people called me that.

I don't know who has any wishes for the new year. But I and, I am sure, many, many tens of thousands of people in this country, who every day act on the Internet as an object for the unpunished outpouring of hatred of their own insignificant life, have one wish: to somehow cope with this anonymity and debug the system of protection against abuse. So that no unemployed loser can demand to sleep with him, so that he does not fill up a multimillion-dollar account, or does not threaten to raise custody against you. Everyone will not be checked and they will not be imprisoned either. They threatened to kill me more than once - no checks.Therefore, it is necessary, as in Tolstoy in Father Sergius, to lock the barn tighter so as not to tempt thieves. It is enough to introduce the requirement to indicate your name, surname and city for all this to come to naught. Where anonymity is the worst thing. Install a pavilion on the central square, place a naked, unarmed person there and invite any passer-by, wearing a mask, to be guaranteed to do anything with this person with impunity - they will spit on him, beat him up and kill him. But if there is a risk that someone will find out and then inform their mother, wife, neighbors, people hold back. Name, surname, city of residence - and many lives persecuted by the Internet crowd will be saved.

And there is no need to shout about freedom. There should be anonymity of payments on the Internet, purchases, surfing, private correspondence. Public communication cannot be anonymous. And I think that in the coming year this will become one of the main problems of humanity. The man, deprived of protection, stability and plans for the future, was thrown into the network. But he is too cruel and immoral to allow him to remain anonymous. And if this person is not brought to his senses now, he will neurotize the planet.

I don’t know who has what year's results. For me, this is my child, who learned that his mother can be insulted with impunity only because someone’s life has not worked out well. And I personally really want this to be impossible next year. Let this be a year of struggle against anonymous losers who suddenly decided that the world was made limitless and transparent in order to put them under their feet.

No life of your own - spoil someone else's!