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In Kazakhstan, black archaeologists plundered the grave of an ancient princess, but it was not gold that they stole

Russia and the CIS ( - In Kazakhstan, archaeologists have discovered a grave, presumably belonging to an ancient princess of one of the nomadic peoples, local media report

The news of the find was overshadowed by the fact that the specialists were outstripped by black archaeologists who plundered the burial. The criminals' profit, however, was not at all the jewelry, of which there were many, but the skull of the deceased girl.

The rest of the skeleton remained intact. There were also various jewelry and accessories made of gold, fragments of a mirror decorated with bronze, a dart tip and other items.

There was also a headband imitating a Byzantine-style diadem, which, according to experts, indicates the girl's royal origin. Similar bandages are found on the portraits of the emperors of Rome and Byzantium.

During the burial, dozens of gold plaques with a diameter of about 1.5 centimeters were placed in the grave of the girl, and several large golden masks depicting people's faces.

The discovered burial is not similar to others found in this burial ground. In this regard, archaeologists came to the conclusion that the buried girl was a foreigner.

In Kazakhstan, black archaeologists plundered the grave of an ancient princess, but it was not gold that they stole