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Science & Technology News

It's already closer to our winter: the old Tesla Model S was tested at temperatures from -30 to -35 ° C

Last week, we already reported that large traffic jams formed due to a cold snap and a snowstorm in the state of Virginia, USA. After that, it was checked how much the charge of the Tesla Model X and Tesla Model Y would be enough to heat the interior.

Darryl Kolevaski, driver of a 2014 Model S, also decided to test how the car could handle the challenge in harsher conditions. This vehicle has a mileage of over 100,000 km, and the outdoor temperature during the test ranged from -30 to -35 °C.

In Camp Mode, the Tesla vehicle's on-board power battery can provide power for air conditioning, lighting, audio systems to meet the basic needs of car owners.

The temperature in the cabin was set to 21 ° C, according to the results of the test, the old Tesla Model S was discharged after about 17 hours.

Over the weekend, we became aware of a problem that only affects owners of new Tesla Model 3 and Model Y vehicles equipped with a heat pump system.

It's already closer to our winter: the old Tesla Model S was tested at temperatures from -30 to -35 ° C