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How to manage a development team

To manage a development team is to be a good manager and developer at the same time. At our new online conference, we will help you find a balance between these roles and talk about the skills that are important for a team leader.

Under the button next you will find the program of the event.


19:00-19:05 — Welcome speech by the moderator Olga Pariy, Head of Education AGIMA

19:05-19:35 — Levels and rhythms of planning in AvitoIvan Bondar, Seller Experience Development Manager at Avito

19:35-20:05 — How not to quit, not burn out and not get depressed Lidia Popova, coach (ICF certificate) ex. AGIMA

20:05-20:35 — Features of mobile application development managementVyacheslav Slutsker, head of Mobile Platform Skyeng

Beginning team leaders will understand what difficulties await them and how to deal with them. And experienced ones will improve their skills and learn about new approaches to management. Register.

How to manage a development team