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Steam tax planned to support patriotic games

Last year's initiative to stimulate the development of patriotic games through a separate fund has been developed

Here we decided to go further and consider the possibility of obliging Steam, PlayStation Store, Xbox Games Store, Epic Games to transfer 5% of the turnover in Russia to the budget to ... support patriotic games.

"The Ministry of Digital Development is finalizing the business model of the future fund to support Russian video game developers who popularize Russian history and culture. According to the preliminary concept, it is planned to introduce a fee of 5% for foreign video game digital distribution platforms, such as Steam, Xbox Games Store, PlayStation Store and others. from sales in the Russian Federation".

A report with proposals on the creation of the fund was sent to the government, the Ministry of Digital Development reported. The office of the relevant Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko clarified that the proposals are undergoing interdepartmental coordination and elaboration. The authorities are preparing other initiatives to stimulate the Russian gaming market, in particular, preferential taxation for local developers.

Despite the high demand for games in our country, 5% of the turnover in Russia is unlikely to hit the wallets of Western developers (according to the initiators), but it will provide the fund with about 10 billion rubles a year. But there is another problem.

As Vyacheslav Makarov, the creator of World of Tanks, notes, such a project can easily turn into a veiled political propaganda, and only then quality games as such. In his opinion, in this situation it is more important "to properly manage the money."

According to MY.Games, the volume of the Russian video game market (the company took into account purchases of games on physical and digital media, in-game purchases and subscriptions) in 2020 amounted to 163.4 billion rubles, which is 35% more than a year earlier. Of these, 81.9 billion rubles. accounts for PC games, 67.1 billion rubles for mobile games, and 14.4 billion rubles for console games.

Steam tax planned to support patriotic games