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VK introduces mandatory two-factor authentication for community administrators: how not to lose access to the public

From February 18, 2022, it is planned to introduce two-factor authentication on the social network Vkontakte. This innovation will affect the owners, admins and moderators of publics. Judging by the VK mailing list, publics with an audience of over 1000 subscribers will fall under this rule.

The innovation will protect groups from intruders, prevent account hacking and fraudsters' access to public pages. Public owners who do not activate this feature will not be able to post, comment on behalf of the public, change settings, and add editors and moderators.

Two-factor authentication is a simple matter. I myself went through it in a few minutes, and received the necessary codes to enter my account.

However, it is worth considering some nuances:

After enabling two-factor authentication, you will not be able to recover the group password using a phone number. Restoration of access will be possible only after the official handling of passport data and photos. Fortunately, VK support works quickly. By comparison, on Instagram, there is almost no chance to restore an account using a passport without mail.

If you want to log into your account while on a business trip or vacation, in a place where the network and phone are not available with an active account, you have 10 backup authentication codes. You can only use them once. An unlimited number of backup codes can be obtained in your Vkontakte account.

The promotion of two-factor authentication, on the one hand, indicates an increase in security. The method used is effective, and has long been used by Facebook, Google and other network sharks. On the other hand, the trend indicates the popularization of the social network. In VK, the activity and popularity of publics is growing, and earnings are increasing. Communities become multi-million dollar assets. What brings in income is more valued by scammers.

At the same time, the influence of the role of the guarantor regarding transactions with VK publics is increasing. With increasing control, many will look for a loophole. I will definitely have more work as a guarantor.

The state is also interested in the security of the social network. Moreover, the resource has an impact on young people. If the purchased anti-Russian posts in Facabook cause only skepticism, then in VK young immature minds can be led by false information. With the help of authentication, control over foreign agents in the social network will increase. The sequence of the decision is reflected in the approach to domain registration.

During the Cyber ​​Security Day 2022 forum, the director of the Coordination Center for .RU and .РФ domains explained that from November 2022, the law on obtaining resources with these domains through the State Services will come into force. Resources will be more difficult to register for fictitious fraudulent data, so dubious projects will not pass.

The Director of the Domains Clearing House is decisive and notes that the technical community is under attack on the DNS. If earlier fraudsters faced self-regulation and exclusively technical methods of ensuring security, now attackers will face state regulation. According to the new draft law, it will be possible to register in national domain zones in the manner established by the Government. A special registrar will be initiated to serve government domains. Mandatory registration of domains by individuals and legal entities using the State Services portal will be a breakthrough in security.

It would seem that new barriers should reduce interest in the social network. However, our mentality is such that most of all we need what is forbidden or limited by law. I am sure that the innovations introduced will only stir up interest in the VKontakte social network and provoke its growth. If there are questions about communities in VKontakte, I will be happy to answer them.

VK introduces mandatory two-factor authentication for community administrators: how not to lose access to the public