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Instagram bans screen time limit of less than half an hour a day

In February 2022, Instagram banned screen time limits of less than 30 minutes per day, according to TechCrunch.

On February 21, Instagram users lost the ability to set time limits of 10 minutes and 15 minutes. Those who were previously set to 10 or 15 minutes in the settings now have a limit of 30 minutes.

Now the user is prompted to choose a sticky break in the social network application after 3 hours or less, but up to 30 minutes.

Instagram has not previously announced these changes in the social network client and explained the situation by updating the application.

Experts believe that Instagram made the increase in the limit for this option intentionally, as users began to spend less time on the social network, leaving for other platforms. Instagram launched the screen time limit feature in 2018. There, at first, it was even possible to set a limit on working on the social network at five minutes a day.

In early 2022, Instagram activated the Take a Break feature for Russian users. The social network will ask you to take a break from continuous viewing of entertainment content after a while, which can be set in the settings, for example, 10, 20 or 30 minutes. After the selected period of time has elapsed, the user will receive a notification from the social network about the need for a break and a recommendation that he needs to do breathing exercises and warm up a little.

Instagram bans screen time limit of less than half an hour a day