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Science & Technology News

Pupils of a collapsed school in Tajikistan will be sent to study at a mosque

The Tajik Ministry of Education and Science has announced that it will build new classrooms “to the extent possible” on the site of a collapsed school in the village of Vakhdat in the Abdurakhmoni Jomi district. Until the new building is ready, the children will study within the walls of the village mosque.

“On Friday at about five o'clock, the 7th grade students noticed how the plaster began to crumble from the wall in the classroom, and reported this to their teacher,” said school principal Mustafo Balajanov.

The students were promptly taken out of the building, the roof and walls of which soon collapsed. No harm done. The collapsed part of the building consisted of six classrooms, in which 258 students of grades 5, 8, 10 and 11 studied. The incident also destroyed the classroom and principal's office.

In total, 34 teachers worked at school No. 31 of the Jomi district and 769 children studied.

The building was built in 1957. Before the collapse, it had already been declared emergency, but neither the school principal nor the head of the education department of the Jomi district, Khasan Tabarov, could comment on why the children studied in the emergency building.

The district administration explained that the children will continue their education in the mosque, which was closed several years ago due to lack of permits, Krasnaya Vesna news agency reports.

Pupils of a collapsed school in Tajikistan will be sent to study at a mosque