Bbabo NET

Science & Technology News

Apple devices in Turkey doubled in price in a month amid collapse of lira

In November, Apple suspended the sale of its devices in Turkey due to the fall in the local currency - the lira. At the end of November, the company resumed sales, but prices increased by an average of 25%. And this Saturday there was another increase in the cost of Apple devices in Turkey, and again this is due to the fall in the lira exchange rate.

It turns out that since mid-November, the price of iPhones in Turkey has almost doubled. So, if in the middle of last month the iPhone 13 in this country could be bought for 12,000 liras, now it costs 21,500 liras. The price for the iPhone 13 Pro has risen in price from 16,000 to 29,000 lire in a month.

On Friday, the Turkish currency rate set an anti-record, falling to 17.14 lira per dollar. For comparison, at the beginning of the year, one dollar in Turkey was given 7.4 lira.

Apple devices in Turkey doubled in price in a month amid collapse of lira