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Science & Technology News

Cybervillage will become a series on the Kinopoisk portal

The authors of the Birchpunk YouTube channel (more than 530,000 subscribers) will receive the Cybervillage sci-fi series on Kinopoisk. The online cinema announced that it would develop it with its new partners, the Place of Power company, produced by producers and showrunners Valery Fedorovich and Evgeny Nikishov (“Epidemic”, “Anna K”).

The head of Plus Studio (former Yandex Studio) Mikhail Kitaev announced the start of work on the science fiction series. The series will consist of 10 episodes and should expand the universe created by the authors of Birchpunk. The director of the series is the same person who shot short videos for the YouTube channel, namely Sergey Vasiliev.

Valery Fedorovich and Evgeny NikishovProducers of the Cybervillage project

“At Cybervillage, we create the world by mixing our national organics and high technology, comedy and science fiction, space and agriculture. It's like 'Love and Doves' and 'Star Wars' come together in the same script."

As conceived by the creators of the project, each episode shows the characters in a new unique location. Therefore, in the series, viewers will be shown 10 new worlds, 50 types of space technology, as well as more than 100 robots and drones. Filming should start before the end of 2022.

Cybervillage will become a series on the Kinopoisk portal