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Science & Technology News

The star of the series Clone ordered an Apple Watch on the Internet, but received a stone

The famous Brazilian actor, the star of the TV series "Clone" Murilo Benicio ordered an Apple Watch Series 6, but received a stone instead, according to the portal 9to5mac.

The actor paid $ 530 (about 39 thousand rubles) for the 2020 Apple Watch. After 12 days of waiting, Benicio received the package. After opening it, he was surprised to find a stone there instead of the supposed smartwatch. Benicio tried to contact the local Carrefour store where he ordered the watch. There he was denied a refund due to the expiration of seven days, during which the return of the purchase is processed.

Subsequently, the actor filed a lawsuit against retail, demanding a refund of the money spent on the purchase and compensation in the amount of $ 2.6 thousand (about 192 thousand rubles). Both parties entered into a deal, during which the plai.jpg was paid $ 1.5 thousand (about 111 thousand rubles).

Earlier I said that Apple is launching the production of a new iPhone.

The star of the series Clone ordered an Apple Watch on the Internet, but received a stone