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Elon Musk said that Russia is doing well with flights to the ISS

The founder of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, said that Russia is doing a good job of delivering people to the ISS, but previously asked too much money for the delivery of foreign astronauts to the station. He told The Babylon Bee about it.

“SpaceX brings American and non-American astronauts to the ISS. Previously, the United States depended on Russia for this, and it does a good job, but asks for insane amounts of money, ”he said.

According to him, thanks to SpaceX, the cost of transporting astronauts has been significantly reduced and this money remains within the country.

Earlier, Tesla entrepreneur and founder Elon Musk talked on Twitter about how much he will pay in 2021 in taxes. He said that this year he will become the largest US taxpayer in the history of the country.

Bloomberg has calculated that - assuming all Musk options are subject to a special tax - the entrepreneur will pay at least $ 10 billion this year. Prior to that, he exercised about 15 million options and sold 11 million shares to pay taxes.

Prior to that, Musk was named "Person of the Year" by Time magazine, which drew attention to the fact that "with a wave of the finger" of an entrepreneur, the stock market can both skyrocket and crash.

Elon Musk said that Russia is doing well with flights to the ISS