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The developer presented an analogue of AI Pin with open source code based on AI

Developer Nick Shevchenko published on GitHub a project for a wearable device called Whomane’s Friend, which could become an affordable alternative to commercial gadgets like Humane’s AI Pin and Ray Ban smart glasses.

The open source device is powered by artificial intelligence. The cost of all its components does not exceed $100.

Moreover, all spare parts can be ordered on Amazon, and even beginners will understand the assembly principle. To create Friend you will need a Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense board, a battery and a slide switch. You can print the case yourself using a 3D printer, and the author offers a printing scheme.

Friend offers real-time AI audio processing and camera support. It allows you to record audio for 24 hours or more. It can be supplemented with other programs.

Meanwhile, the AI Pin smart clothing item costs $699. To use the device's features, you need to purchase a monthly subscription for $24. AI Pin began shipping in March to those who pre-ordered it.

The developer presented an analogue of AI Pin with open source code based on AI