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Yandex.Travel calculated how much the most expensive tickets cost during the New Year holidays

New Year's holidays are approaching, which looks like a vacation. Yandex.Travel analyzed data on the search and booking of railway and air tickets and found the most expensive orders.

For the most expensive one-way train tickets from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the buyer paid RUB 84,000. A trip for several people from Moscow to Mineralnye Vody cost a little cheaper - 78,000 rubles. And in the honorable third place is a trip from St. Petersburg to Moscow for 58,000 rubles for several passengers.

Flights across Russia are next. The most expensive order with a New Year's flight from Moscow to Irkutsk was purchased for 215,000 rubles. It is followed by air tickets on the following routes: Moscow - Murmansk for 170,000 rubles, Vladivostok - Sochi for 130,000 rubles and Khabarovsk - Moscow for 106,000 rubles and Naberezhnye Chelny - Krasnodar for 80,000 rubles.

Then flights abroad begin. A flight from Moscow to the hot Dominican Republic cost 260,000 rubles, and to Jordan - 220,000 rubles. Rounding out the top five most expensive flights abroad, but within the CIS, are air tickets from Moscow to Kazakhstan for 200,000 rubles, and cheaper to Serbia - 150,000 rubles.

And the most expensive New Year's tickets, according to Yandex.Travel, cost the buyer almost 800,000 rubles - this is a flight for several people from Moscow to Thailand and back.

Yandex.Travel calculated how much the most expensive tickets cost during the New Year holidays