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Mineral Vienna on Mars remained after evaporation of the ancient lakes

According to a new study of British specialists, Mineral "Vienna", found in the crater Gale on the surface of the Red Planet, were formed by evaporation of the ancient Martian lakes.

Team of scientists From the open University and the University of Leicester in the UK, with the help of the Marshode "Curiosity" studied the Yellowunaph Bay in Crater Gale, examining the mineralogy "veins", for which Underground water flowed. The study showed that the formations formed as the remains of the ancient lake were buried under the rocks, heated to a temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius and were corrosion.

Professor John Bridges from the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Lester University said: "Taste This Martian soil water would be very unpleasant, given the content of sulfates and sodium, about 20 times higher than their amount in mineral water bottles, for example.

Researchers suggest that the evaporation of the ancient lakes in the yellowunaph bay could lead To the formation of areas rich in silicon and sulfates.

Subsequent dissolution of the underground waters of these deposits (which the team predicts is still present in the form of precipitation in the Crater of the Gale) led to the formation of pure sulphate "veins" in Yellowunaph Gulf .

Mineral Vienna on Mars remained after evaporation of the ancient lakes