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New technology will increase batteries efficiency

Researchers working with the University of Kansas developed new materials for sensors that are distinguished by low power consumption and small size. Technology will allow in the future to increase the efficiency of batteries.

Instead of graphite or other carbon materials used as anodes in modern batteries, in invention Scientists are used silicon. Such a solution provides higher capacity limits, increased charging speed, and also significantly increases the battery life. According to experts, their development is primarily focused on electric cars.

"To reduce the cost of the electrocar, it is necessary to create a better battery at minimal cost. If the cost is the same, then the battery that is characterized by a greater capacity" is won, The authors of the invention say.

In addition to use in electrocars, new batteries can be used in hybrid vehicles, mobile gadgets, power tools, as well as military and space devices. Currently, technology is preparing for market release.

New technology will increase batteries efficiency