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Found the most dark galaxy in the Universe

Astronomer group has discovered a unique galaxy, practically not containing stars, and its mass is comparable to the mass of the Milky Way. Based on observations, experts concluded that the object called Dragonfly 44, 99.99 percent consists of dark matter.

Dragonfly 44 So dim that was hidden from the views of scientists for many decades and was discovered only in 2014, when astrophysics with the capacity of the Kek Observatory and Gemini in Hawaii opened a whole group of galaxies in the cluster of Veronica hair in 320 million light years from us .

Researchers measured the speed of movement of stars inside Dragonfly 44 to calculate its mass. "The movement of the luminaire can help determine the amount of matter in the Galaxy," says one of the researchers, Peter Wang Drok from Yale University.

Calculations showed that the speed of movement of the stars in the galaxy on average is about 47 kilometers per second. Based on these results, scientists confirmed that the mass of Dragonfly 44 is close to the mass of the Milky Way and is equal to about 1 trillion mass of the Sun. At the same time, the luminila accounts for only 0.01% of this mass, the rest of the invisible dark matter.

Found the most dark galaxy in the Universe