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US Open.,Victorious start of Ukrainian tennis players

at the US Open Championship (US Open), one of the four series of the "Grand Slam" series, took place part of the first round matches in the male and female discharge.

It's nice that all representatives of Ukraine who spent their matches on the first day won and reached the next round. A real sensation created Lesya Tsurenko, in two sets, defeating Romanian Irina Camellia-run (6: 0, 6: 4), which was "seeded" at the tournament under №21. Tsurenko very confidently spent a fight The first set was won "under zero", and in the second I took one break more rivals and deservedly went to the second round.

Sergey Stakhovsky also defeated the opponent, which is located in the APR ranking above it . Five mines have lasted five sets, the Ukrainian lasted in the course of the match, and in the decisive party everything decided on a tie break, in which the nerves turned out to be stronger at Sergey 6: 1, 3: 6, 2: 6, 6: 3, 7: 6.

I had to make a lot of effort and eline Svitolina, which was needed by three sets for victory over Mandi by Merdaello from Luxembourg. The first set rather unexpectedly ended the victory of Minlela on a tie break, but in the future Svitolin proved that she was only an accident, defeating the rival in the two subsequent parties 6: 7, 6: 0, 6: 2.

Finally, I did not feel any special difficulties in your start match of Ekaterina Bondarenko. In the first set of confrontation with Sevie, Ukrainian did not give a single game, and in the second game at the crucial moment made a break and won the final victory 6: 0, 7: 5.

Today, three more representatives start at US Open Ukraine, Alexander Dolgopolov, will play with David Ferrer, Ilya Marchenko will resist Croatia Ivan Dodiga, and Ekaterina Kozlova is measured by the forces with Vinus Williams.

US Open.,Victorious start of Ukrainian tennis players