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In China, the artist was excluded from participation in Biennale due to censorship

Frank modern artist Ai Weiwei excluded from participation in the first Yinchuan Biennale, which will be held in the city museum of modern Arts, China. Master prepared for the exhibition a large-scale sculpture called "Red Line" dedicated to censorship in modern Chinese art.

for two Weeks before the beginning of the art event Ai Weiway received a letter from the organizers from Biennale, which reports that the decision on the abolition of his participation in the exposition was taken by the "Higher Institutions". In his twitter, the artist reports that, according to a letter, the cause of this is its political views.

It is worth noting that 73 international artists participate in Inyuan in Inyuan, among which Avartani, Anish Kapoor, Song Dong and many Others. It is possible that it is that the presence of critical elements in the Ai Waywei composition made it disagreeable for the censorship of Chinese communist ideology.

more Detailed Reflections about the incident Cases Chinese The master published in Instagram: "This situation shows that we are faced with the world, which is separated and divided by ideology, and where art is used only as decoration for political goals. China is trying to develop in modern society without freedom of speech, and art in it becomes a puppet for fake efforts in the field of culture, "said Ai Weiway directly on social network.

It should be noted that one of the organizers of Biennale spoke in the sense that the new art event in China is held in a young institution that only Starts his way. Exclusion of the work of Weiwei Forced Measure In order for this "seedling" of contemporary art to grow into a "unstasive tree".

In China, the artist was excluded from participation in Biennale due to censorship