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Twelve BAD jokes from George & Lial on 12th January 2022

First bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Puns joke

Why did piglet go to the bathroom? To search for Poo

Second bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Bank joke

Read the next line. Read the previous line.

Third bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Alphabet joke


Fourth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Nut joke

Why didn’t the squirrel wanna go swimming because he didnt wanna get his nuts wet

Fifth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Roman joke

Ur Mater.

Sixth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Annoying joke


Seventh bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Life joke


Eighth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Puns joke

Why did the sea cry ? Because it felt salty and blue

Ninth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Orphan joke

why do orphans go to church

so they have someone to call father

Tenth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Dad joke

I went to a sleepover at my best friend’s house. He lives with his grandpa and little brother, his mom and dad. His little brother likes to run around the house naked sometimes. I cant help but notice his grandpa always looks up when he does.

Eleventh bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Rabbit joke

Where do rabbits take baths and wash their asses?

Twelfth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Puns joke

Do you know why I hate pedophiles?

They are fucking immature kids!

Twelve BAD jokes from George & Lial on 12th January 2022