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Model loses thousands of Instagram followers with her unfiltered beauty regime

A model who decided to shed a little transparency upon her beauty regime has lost thousands of Instagram followers in the process.

Twenty-four-year-old Stina Sanders from Bristol decided to unfilter her grooming diary for a week – no lies, no filters, no gimmicks – in a trailblazing attempt to empower women miffed by the apparently perfect world of a beauty blogger.

“I wanted to see what would happen if I stopped posting glamorous photos, and shared stuff that you wouldn’t normally even share with your friends,” Sanders told “Personally I think that Instagram is so fake – the amount of filters, the airbrushing – so I thought it would be interesting,” she says.

And so Sanders began her seven-day beauty feed. The model started with a Monday morning snap featuring her top lip hair removal ritual (we salute you), and then a photo of her runner’s feet with chipped nail polish (been there, run that).

The brave blogger also uploaded a pretty bad selfie taken too quickly from THE most unflattering angle below her chin (you too?), a trip to the psychotherapist, a post about her IBS, and a happy snappy whereby she admitted she was on her second cup of coffee sans shower, all without having brushed her teeth – shock horror! Not.

Sanders reported that she lost over 3,000 followers in a week. “I thought that my followers would remain the same but I would get no likes, but the total opposite happened. I have had an influx of likes, but I had a massive decrease of followers,” said Sanders, whose Instagram numbers plummeted down from 13,000 to 10,000 in less than a week.

Model loses thousands of Instagram followers with her unfiltered beauty regime