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Dreaming about Firewood

If you dream of a similar symbol, then keep in mind that it does not carry creation. Most likely, the dream will not be associated with the future, but with the consequences of the past, because firewood is the result of the destruction of the forest, a consequence. Courageously add wood chips to the wood and remember everything that the ethnic reason gave birth to on this pretext. Dragging through the forest, which is gradually becoming thicker and darker, means that you should not count on a presumptive resolution of the issue, the acquisition of profits from the business you have started, ahead There are still many hopes. Easily chopping up large wooden chocks and preparing firewood - invariable carelessness and recklessness will still make itself felt, so stop before it's too late, you need to draw conclusions from the mistakes that were made in the past, do not risk extraneous lives.

Dreaming about Firewood