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NASA green-lights supersonic passenger plane project

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) signed a contract with aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin for the development of modern supersonic airliner, according to Gizmag.

The purpose of the $ 20 million contract is to develop a preliminary design of future aircraft, applying new QueSST technology (Quiet Supersonic Technology).

In the near future NASA expects to create a "quiet" supersonic passenger plane. Now the acceleration of supersonic aircraft is accompanied by a loud popping sound. Future planes will be equipped with a new technology that can reduce the noise level to a "supersonic heart beat" almost unheard at close.

Associate administrator for NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Jaiwon Shin stressed that the development, construction and test flights of the quiet supersonic aircraft is the next logical step in the adoption of administrations solutions to introduce supersonic flights to the general public.

NASA green-lights supersonic passenger plane project