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Dreaming about Tavern

You are standing on the doorstep of a dubious establishment and do not want to go inside. Soon you will be offered to participate in the adventure. So dubious that you will refuse, despite the persuasive eloquence and fabulous prospects.

You go into a tavern and sit down at a dirty table. You are an adventurer by nature. Perhaps, as long as you are lucky and you safely get out of difficult situations. Sooner or later, you will burn out on something so that you will be very careful in your further actions.

You eat with great appetite in a tavern. Everything in life triples you, but over time you increasingly think about the future. Morally, you are already ready to change your life, to give up dubious matters. So far, there is not enough determination to change anything in my life. It is possible that soon you will meet someone who will help you settle down.

You want to leave the tavern. Your old life, full of risk, you are already tired of. You will calm down soon.

You left the tavern. Soon you will be able to return to a law-abiding life without outside help.

You were thrown out of the tavern. Your life full of dubious deeds will be cut short by law enforcement officers. You have to stop yourself before it's too late.

Dreaming about Tavern