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Chef Kuznetsov named forbidden ingredients for cutlets

Do not put eggs and marked bread in homemade cutlets. This was called for by the chef of the Moscow restaurant #SibirSibir Evgeny Kuznetsov in an interview with.

“I am opposed to adding eggs, milk, soaked breadcrumbs, garlic, breadcrumbs or crushed ice to minced meat,” he said. “Only salt, pepper and a huge amount of onions.”

According to Kuznetsov, it is the onion that gives the cutlet juiciness and "does not distract from the taste of meat at all."

The chef noted that the onion in minced meat should not be raw, otherwise it will turn out “rough, rustic”.

“I caramelize onions in butter. For a kilogram of meat - 600 grams of onion, ”Kuznetsov shared his secret.

He explained that caramelization removes the bitterness from the onions, and advised that before cooking, soak the onions in a pan in butter for 15 minutes, and then rub it through a fine sieve along with meat and grated butter, “which will also give the cutlet juiciness and will keep it while frying.

Previously told how much red meat you can eat without harm to health.

Chef Kuznetsov named forbidden ingredients for cutlets