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The Telegraph removed an article that the head of the British Foreign Office could provide the Russian Federation with her DNA

The British Telegraph removed an article stating that British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss could provide Russia with her DNA when she passed a PCR test during a visit to Moscow.

Now, when you click on the link, a blank page is displayed.

She previously published an article stating that Truss could provide her DNA to Russia by passing a PCR test during a visit to Moscow.

Prior to this, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, commenting on negotiations with British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, called them "a conversation between the dumb and the deaf."

According to the head of the Foreign Ministry, British colleagues "are either not familiar with these detailed explanations, or they are completely ignored."

Truss said the threats from Russia were evidenced by "an increase in the number of troops and weapons on the border with Ukraine." According to her, there are attempts to undermine democracy in Ukraine. She also noted that Russia still has a chance to "stop the aggression against Ukraine and stick to the diplomatic path of a settlement."

The Telegraph removed an article that the head of the British Foreign Office could provide the Russian Federation with her DNA