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The sergeant held a ceremony for receiving a new rank in the pool

A video from the official appointment of an American soldier to the military rank of sergeant, which took place in the pool, was posted by users of the Reddit forum. According to the description of the video, the man was given the opportunity to choose a place on his own. The video generated a lot of backlash in the comments.

According to many users, such an event is quite possible in the US military, however, over time, the number of this kind of tradition is reduced.

“My friend recently returned to work in the active troops from the reserve. The officer who presided over the ceremony was an old friend of his and allowed him to swear on the Harry Potter book," one commenter wrote.

“I attended a similar ceremony when I served with the US contingent in Afghanistan. Imagine - a few half-naked sailors in a pool on top of a mountain in an abandoned Soviet dacha, which is surrounded by anti-personnel mines, ”another soldier shared his story.

Earlier on the Internet, an advertisement for US troops was actively discussed, in which footage from a same-sex wedding was captured.

The sergeant held a ceremony for receiving a new rank in the pool