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The traffic police asked the opinion of motorists about tinting

The traffic police of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on social networks recalled the responsibility for excessive tinting of cars and asked drivers if it was worth prohibiting driving with too tinted windows.

In the comments to the publication, most users were in favor of allowing driving with tinted windows. “Quite for! At least they didn’t touch the sides, ”wrote one. “Tinting is not a crime,” said the second.

Motorists noted that due to the tinting, the dashboard does not shine in the summer; the cabin is not so hot if there is no air conditioning; it is also more difficult for attackers to see something valuable in the interior of a car stopped in a parking lot.

“I am for it, I think that driving with tinting is safer due to the fact that oncoming cars are not blinded, which affects visibility,” one of the users argued.

According to the technical regulations, the light transmission of the windshield and front side windows must be at least 70%. With tinting in the dark and bad weather, visibility is reduced, recalled the press service of the traffic police. Through a tinted windshield, the distance at which an object is recognized is significantly reduced.

For violation of the norms of light transmission of glass, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. The inspector issues a demand to stop illegal actions, in the event of a repeated violation, the driver faces a fine of 2,000 to 4,000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

In 2022, a draft of a new code on administrative offenses will be submitted to parliament for consideration, which establishes a whole package of new fines for traffic violations. It assumes tougher financial penalties for non-standard tinting.

The traffic police asked the opinion of motorists about tinting