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Russia - Without knives, but with a wedding

Russia (, - The United States and Canada celebrate Groundhog Day on February 2nd. It was first held in 1887 at the festival town of Punxsutawney, where observing the behavior of the local marmot determines the end of winter.

In the 1993 film Groundhog Day, Bill Murray's character, reporter Phil Connors, says, "Chekhov considered winter to be a gloomy, dark, hopeless season." And he assures that he is ready for the winter to never end if he has to spend it, "bathing in the warmth of the hearts and hearths of the inhabitants of this city."

Phil was inspired by Chekhov's story "Belated Flowers" for such a performance.

- I do not like winter and do not believe the one who says that he loves her. It's cold outside, smoky in the rooms, wet in galoshes. Either harsh as a mother-in-law, or whining like an old maid, with its magical moonlit nights, troikas, hunting, concerts and balls, winter gets bored very quickly and drags on for too long in order to poison more than one homeless, consumptive life, - writes Chekhov .

In Russia, on February 2, when the church honors the memory of Euthymius the Great, the weather was also predicted. And they also paid attention to the behavior of animals. But - not marmots.

For example, on Efimov's Day they noticed: if a cat scratches the floor with its claws, and chickens twist their tails on a perch, wait for a snowstorm. If someone saw a fox lying in the snow - this is to the wind. Nobody noticed foxes today? ..

If a blizzard is on that day, then the winter will be long, and the spring will be cold. The wind determined that the year would be wet.

Even on Efimov's day, they tried not to use knives and all sorts of sharp objects, because the wounds received on that day healed longer than usual. What else? They did not pick up a trifle that was waking up on the floor. It was believed that this was to poverty.

But you could get married. Those who got engaged on this day lived long and happily. It is only interesting how the festive loaf was cut when the newlyweds and guests sat down at the table. Knives are banned...

Russia - Without knives, but with a wedding