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Russia - Moscow Operational Headquarters: How to apply for sick leave for SARS, COVID and contact persons

Russia (, - The Operational Headquarters for Control and Monitoring of the Coronavirus Situation in Moscow explains how to open and close a sick leave for symptoms of SARS in the case of COVID-19, as well as for people who have been in contact with a sick coronavirus./ i

If you have SARS symptoms:

Option 1: Leave an application for an initial audio consultation with a polyclinic doctor on the portal by ticking the appropriate box about the need to apply for sick leave. Based on the results of the audio consultation, the doctor will remotely open it for 7 days.

Option 2: Come to the doctor on duty at any nearest clinic without an appointment or make an appointment for a specific time at your own. Based on the results of the examinations, if a diagnosis of ARVI is established, the doctor will open an electronic sick leave for 7 days, if COVID is detected, for 14.

Option 3: If you cannot visit the clinic due to limited mobility or a severe course of the disease, you can call a doctor at home by calling 122. Based on the results of the examination, if a diagnosis of ARVI is established, the doctor will open an electronic sick leave for 7 days, if COVID is detected - for 14 .

If a patient has passed a PCR test in Moscow, his result automatically enters a single laboratory system. In the case of a positive result, a doctor proactively contacts such a patient and, depending on his condition, conducts an audio consultation and remotely opens a sick leave.

For a patient with limited mobility or in case of a severe course of the disease, a house call is issued (sick leave in this case opens during the visit).

The operational headquarters also pays attention to cases of contact with a sick person with COVID-19, even if there are no symptoms of SARS. The sick leave will be opened if the sick person has a sick leave and the fact of contact was confirmed by his employer. In order for everything to work quickly, it is better to ask the sick person to report contact with you by filling out an electronic form.

If you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 at work, check if your employer has passed this information on to the Moscow Operational Headquarters.

In addition, you need to check whether more than 6 months have passed since the vaccination or the transfer of COVID-19. Otherwise, you are not required to comply with quarantine, and you will not be issued sick leave)

After that, leave an application for opening a sick leave at the contact on the website of the Moscow Department of Health.

Closing of sick leaves takes place remotely. You don't need to come to the clinic. Closed sick leave is automatically sent to the employer and is available in the electronic medical record. Paper sick leave in accordance with federal law from January 1, 2022 is not issued.

Before the end of the term, the doctor contacts the patient. After clarifying his well-being through an audio consultation, he remotely closes or extends the sick leave.

Russia - Moscow Operational Headquarters: How to apply for sick leave for SARS, COVID and contact persons