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Russia - Popova: Coronavirus has lost the ability to penetrate into the lung tissue

Russia (, - When ingested, "omicron" mainly affects the upper respiratory tract and does not penetrate into the lung tissue. This was stated by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The virus mutates to find a "better form" that adapts it to the human body, she said.

“In search of such the most correct form, the most correct amino acid composition, the virus lost one of the receptors that ensured its tropism or the ability to penetrate into the lung tissue,” the agency’s interlocutor explained.

Despite the fact that "omicron" most often occurs in a mild form, it is too early to talk about the absence of dangerous complications, since too little time has passed since its appearance, Popova concluded.

Recall that a new strain of coronavirus was detected in South Africa. The World Health Organization has classified it as a "worrisome" and has given it the name "omicron". According to scientists, it has 32 mutations in the S-protein necessary for the pathogen to infect cells.

According to the Gamaleya Center, the lethality of the "omicron" strain is 4-17 times lower than that of other variants of the coronavirus. At the same time, scientists note a high degree of spread of the strain.

Russia - Popova: Coronavirus has lost the ability to penetrate into the lung tissue