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Children's Ombudsman in Moscow stood up for the family of a 9-year-old student of Moscow State University

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow, Olga Yaroslavskaya, said in a conversation with RIA Novosti that the Teplyakovs, who sent their nine-year-old daughter Alice to study at Moscow State University, did not violate anything.

She noted that the girl graduated from school, passed the exam on a general basis and entered the Psychological Faculty of Moscow State University - all this does not contradict Russian law.

“The university accepted it, and suddenly problems began that the whole country is talking about. On the face of the confusion of the system, which simply does not know what to do with such children, ”complained Yaroslavskaya.

Currently, the Teplyakovs are being attacked by the public, which, in an attempt to protect a young student, injures her, the Ombudsman expressed concern.

“I want to draw attention to the fact that only the lazy did not start bullying the Teplyakov family. At first, everyone said that Alice could study at the university, but as soon as difficulties arose, everyone turned away. She is still a child, and it is not easy for her, ”she said.

Earlier, Alisa started providing psychological counseling at the cost of 50,000 rubles per hour. As Evgeny Teplyakov (father) explained, the high price is due to the fact that the girl is "a unique specialist and she has little time."

Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences Gennady Onishchenko called Alisa's consultations a "wild experiment."

Children's Ombudsman in Moscow stood up for the family of a 9-year-old student of Moscow State University