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Belgium proposes to ban online shopping

The head of one of the ruling Socialist parties in Belgium, Paul Magnet, proposed a ban on online shopping in order to reduce the processing of warehouse employees at night. It is reported by The Guardian.

These statements by the parliamentarian are connected with an active discussion in the country about the proposed reform of wages at night. According to socialists, enterprises should work at night only when necessary.

“I believe that e-commerce is not progress, but social and environmental degradation. Why should we let workers work in these warehouses at night? Because people want to shop around the clock and receive packages home within 24 hours? Can't we wait two days for the book?" the politician said.

However, the socialists' partners in the ruling coalition were skeptical about Magnet's statements.

“Returning to the economy of 100 years ago will not help us. E-commerce can now provide jobs for thousands of people. We won’t let them take it away, will we?” said Egbert Lachert, head of the Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats party.

Earlier, Belgium approved the transition to a four-day work week without reducing the total working hours.

Belgium proposes to ban online shopping