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Russia - Low-income residents of the Urals will be able to enroll a pet for free sterilization

Russia (, - The Animal Rehabilitation Center of the Ural State Agrarian University will sterilize pets free of charge. Low-income citizens, pensioners, the disabled, large families can count on help. For the operation, you need to confirm your position with a certificate or any document on low income.

According to the USAU press service, the operations will be carried out until February 2023. A total of 240 interventions are planned, and animal rights activists have also planned a series of webinars that should debunk myths about keeping pets. According to the organizers, the number of homeless animals is increasing precisely because of the low awareness of people about the sterilization of smaller brothers. 2.8 million rubles will be spent on operations. The Animal Rehabilitation Center won a presidential grant for 1.7 million rubles. The center itself will invest the rest.

As Elena Skorynina, head of the organization, said, during a hormonal surge caused by a natural desire to breed, animals can show aggression, mark territory, and make loud guttural sounds. And not everyone can stand such behavior of their pets. So animals find themselves on the street, stray into uncontrolled flocks and actively continue to breed. According to the expert, one cat in a year of life can bring offspring up to 12 individuals. Even if half of them are females, after five months they are also able to give birth. According to the hypothesis of animal rights activists, this problem can be solved by sterilization.

The Animal Rehabilitation Center was established in 2012. During this time, students and staff of the university cured more than three thousand homeless animals, were engaged in socialization and placement of four-legged orphans.

Recall that recently the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, demanded that all stray dogs be caught, distributed to shelters and sterilized. Social media users agreed that there should be no homeless dogs on the street, but for this it is necessary to provide for liability for owners who throw a pet out on the street.

Russia - Low-income residents of the Urals will be able to enroll a pet for free sterilization