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Russia - An expert named the causes of vitamin D deficiency and products to replenish it

Russia (, - Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, vital for maintaining health, which, according to the mechanism of action on the body, can be considered a hormone. Its best source is synthesis in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, however, for many reasons, this process can slow down and be insufficient. Therefore, it is important that vitamin D is included in the foods we eat. Marina Savkina, an expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, spoke about this within the framework of the Healthy Nutrition project of the Healthy Nutrition.

"According to various sources, 15-30 minutes of daily exposure to the street in sunny weather from 10 to 16 can provide the body with vitamin D in sufficient quantities. At the same time, clothing must either let UV rays through or be open. But there are a number of factors that slow down process.Synthesis can be reduced due to air pollution (smog), in people with dark skin, as melanin prevents this.If we talk about the situation in our country, we must remember that on average we have much more cloudy days, and we can afford sunbathing infrequently," the expert said.

In addition, many people limit sun exposure due to the risk of skin cancer. Another possible cause of vitamin D deficiency is problems with the liver and kidneys. That's why you need to make sure that your diet contains foods that are richest in vitamin D.

In the top five sources of vitamin D, the expert included:

1. Wild salmon. From 100 grams of fish, you can get from 600 to 1000 IU of the vitamin. Farm-raised fish is inferior to wild relatives, containing up to 250 IU per 100 grams.

2. Fish oil contains 400-1000 IU per tablespoon. Although it is quite difficult to use it in its pure form.

3. Cheap herring is inferior to expensive salmon, but not always. A 100-gram serving of herring will bring from 290 to 1500 IU.

4. Useful and canned fish - sardines, tuna and others. They can contain about 300 IU per 100 g.

5. There are foods specially fortified with vitamin D. Most often it is milk: one glass of it contains about 100 IU of the vitamin, while in ordinary milk it is practically absent.

"Small amounts of vitamin D can be obtained from eggs, cheese, beef liver and butter. But it is problematic to get the daily allowance with them, and not a single cardiologist or nutritionist will approve of this method. You would have to eat a couple of dozen eggs or a kilogram of butter and liver," the expert notes.

Since the list of foods with sufficient vitamin D content is limited, and mainly it is fish, in some cases it is not possible to eliminate the deficiency through nutrition alone. At risk are those who do not like and do not eat fish and do not consume animal products - vegetarians, and besides them - people with lactose intolerance and the elderly, who have their own vitamin D synthesis and its absorption are reduced due to age.

"As you can see, it is not in vain that international and domestic medical associations recommend taking additional vitamin D. According to the current recommendations of the Society of Endocrinologists of Russia, adults need to take 800-1000 IU / day for prevention, pregnant and lactating women - 800-2000 IU / day. Doses are higher these indicators should be discussed with a doctor after assessing the status of vitamin D by the level of 25 (OH) D in the blood," advises Marina Savkina.

Russia - An expert named the causes of vitamin D deficiency and products to replenish it