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Onishchenko called psychological consultations with a 9-year-old student of Moscow State University a violation of the law

Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences Gennady Onishchenko said that psychological counseling by 9-year-old student of Moscow State University Alisa Teplyakova is illegal.

“Let's remember our Russian legislation – can children work with us? That's work. Exploitation of child labor. They will come to her, someone will pay money out of curiosity. This is a service that is paid for, there is a relationship between people. Who gave the right to exploit child labor?” he said to NSN.

Earlier, social psychologist Alexei Roshchin called Teplyakova's consultations "feverish delirium".

Prior to this, Alisa's father Evgeny Teplyakov said that his daughter was conducting psychological counseling. The cost of one session, according to him, is 50 thousand rubles.

Onishchenko called psychological consultations with a 9-year-old student of Moscow State University a violation of the law