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Comedian Mirzalizade wants to challenge 14-year ban on entry into Russia

Comedian Idrak Mirzalizade, whose temporary ban on entry into Russia was reduced to fourteen years old, wants to challenge the ban in principle, TASS reports citing the comedian's lawyer Sergei Badamshin.

“In the lawsuit, we ask the court to invalidate the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of February 3 regarding the term for restricting Mirzalizade’s entry into Russia and oblige the ministry to eliminate the violation,” Badamshin said.

Earlier, comedian Idrak Mirzalizadeh had his stay in Russia reduced.

In August, Mirzalizade received 10 days of arrest for "inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliating human dignity." The reason for initiating the case was his joke about Russian tenants. The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided on the undesirability of the comedian's stay in Russia for life.

Recently, Mirzalizade sold an invalid residence permit in Russia during a speech.

Comedian Mirzalizade wants to challenge 14-year ban on entry into Russia