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Russia - USE

Russia (, - Less than a month remains before the Unified State Exam - the early period begins on March 21st. This year, more than 700 thousand people will take the exam, most of which are graduates of this year's school.

For many years now, social studies have been the most popular elective exam, and the number of people who want to take it is constantly growing. In 2022, more than 333 thousand applications were submitted for the Unified State Examination in social studies. And this is 26 thousand more than last year - what a jump!

What attracts the subject? Everything is simple here: the Unified State Exam in social studies is necessary for admission to a huge number of specialties - from jurisprudence and economics to linguistics and political science. And still some choose it, mistakenly believing that this is a subject "about everything and nothing" and it will be easier to pass it. But those who think so, as a rule, "sit down in a puddle" - the exam in social science is not so simple. It is no coincidence that almost 20 percent of graduates failed to pass it in 2021.

We tell you what to pay attention to in the exam in general and what will be new in the materials and assignments in 2022. By the way, in the early period, the Unified State Exam in social studies will be taken on April 7, and in the main one on June 9.

So, on what questions do students most often "stumble"? This is the difference between the functions of the legislative and executive authorities, the division of powers between the federal and municipal authorities. Many are unable to explain some of the paragraphs of the Constitution. Therefore, in the second part of the control and measuring materials, task No. 23 appeared with a detailed answer according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Attention: when answering questions, it is not necessary to indicate in the answer the numbers of the relevant articles of the Constitution and reproduce their content verbatim. Save time!

What else? Some of the tasks that duplicate each other in terms of the skills they test have been excluded from the 2022 exam paper. Exam time has been reduced - now it will take 3 hours and 30 minutes to write it, and last year it was given 25 minutes more.

But the participants in the USE-2022, who chose social studies, will not write a mini-essay. And the task with a short answer to the analysis of the supply and demand graph turned into a task with a detailed answer.

Please note: in the second part, where detailed answers are needed, you do not need to answer "in excess" of what is asked in the task. Inaccuracies and errors in such "extra" answer items may now result in a deduction for the entire item.

But what kind of questions can "fall out" on the exam (examples from the demo version of 2022, published on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements

• Establish a correspondence between actions and levels of scientific knowledge: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


a) observation

b) experiment

c) object description

d) explanation of existing relationships

e) formulating patterns

Levels of scientific knowledge:

1) empirical

2) theoretical

• Which of the listed positions relate to the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the unity of the economic space

2) the presence of an official ideology

3) rule of law

4) priority of the judiciary

5) secular state

• You need to prepare a report on the topic "Political Parties". Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan that allows you to reveal the topic in essence. A complex plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

Russia - USE