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Russia - Fraudsters swindle money under the pretense of saving money from sanctions

Russia (, - Remote scammers have come up with a new scam. Interlocutors of the correspondent in law enforcement agencies said: the scammers began to convince citizens that their money was under threat due to the sanctions imposed by the EU and the US against Russian banks. And offer to save their deposits.

And scammers promise to help save money after Russia is disconnected from SWIFT. To do this, you "only" transfer money to other, more secure accounts. It is known that such tempting offers have already been received by several hundred clients of at least a dozen financial and credit organizations in Russia. And, as experts suggest, this is only the beginning.

The principle of a fraudulent scheme itself, so to speak, is not new. The main thing here is to convince the subscriber to transfer money. And the topical agenda will prompt a newsworthy occasion. As a rule, scammers use three pretexts that can induce a person to transfer money.

The concept of a scam is not new. The main thing is to convince the subscriber to transfer money. And the topical agenda will prompt an informational reason

The first is that someone is trying to unauthorizedly hack into your account and withdraw money. Second - your relative is in trouble and you urgently need to bribe the investigator or, alternatively, pay for medicines or surgery. However, scammers also get into trouble. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, reported a curious case in the Moscow region, when a fraudster introduced himself as the son who committed an accident and asked for a bribe to the investigator of 900 thousand rubles. But the caller turned out to be a policeman. "Son" was detained.

The third way of deception - the police, they say, catch the swindler and you have to catch him red-handed, giving him the money. There are other options with all sorts of compensation for overpayments for housing and communal services, the purchase of dietary supplements, legal services, etc.

It would seem that all these methods have long been known, the police, banks and the media have warned about them many times, but people are still "led" to the same tricks. Why?

The fact is that remote scammers are spontaneous psychologists who can quickly and unobtrusively ingratiate themselves and convince the subscriber of anything. Saves from them only the ability not to panic and healthy skepticism.

But now - a novelty: sanctions. Indeed, after the announcement of the sanctions, many citizens became alarmed about their savings. And although it is now possible to get money from a card at ATMs without any problems, although banks convince customers of the safety of their savings on their accounts, there are people who are afraid for their savings. So people may well get scared, and the villains are always ready to cash in on the panic that they themselves create.

The recipe for protection against such "tempting" offers remains the same - interrupt the conversation and call your bank back.

Russia - Fraudsters swindle money under the pretense of saving money from sanctions